Why is an ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red 3 Times?

When you have a home security system, it is important to double-check the hardware on a regular basis to ensure that it’s functioning properly.

This is especially true for a smart doorbell, which may suddenly blink red when it doesn’t work correctly. The blinking light often indicates that the battery on the device is low or that the internet connection is unstable.


When you have an adt doorbell camera blinking red 3 times, it usually indicates that the battery is low. This can be caused by a number of factors, including overuse or damage to the battery.

Why is an ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red 3 Times?
Why is an ADT Doorbell Camera Blinking Red 3 Times?

If the battery is dead, the device may not be able to communicate with your home’s Wi-Fi network. This can cause a lot of trouble for your smart doorbell, so you’ll need to recharge it as soon as possible.

There are many different ways to do this, but the most straightforward way is by using a USB charger. To do this, you’ll need to remove the faceplate from your adt doorbell camera and find the charging port. Plug the end of a USB cord into the charging port and the other into a wall socket.


If you see a blinking red light on an adt doorbell camera, it usually indicates one of two things. It may have a low battery or it might be experiencing a bad internet connection.

Luckily, the first problem is much simpler to fix than the latter. In this case, all you need to do is open the ADT Pulse application and check if the network connection is working or not.

This app works by displaying a QR code that includes your home Wi-Fi network name and password. When you connect your phone to your home Wi-Fi, it uses the barcode to establish a connection with the adt doorbell.

The red light on the adt doorbell camera will then return to solid green, signifying that the battery has been recharged and the issue is resolved. In order to charge the camera again, you will need to unplug the small USB cable and then restore its faceplate.

Internet Connection

ADT is a well-known home security brand that has secured millions of homes all over the country. Despite this, there are some issues that may arise from time to time.

One of the most common reasons for an adt doorbell camera blinking red 3 times is a low battery or a poor Internet connection. Both of these issues require immediate attention.

First, you need to verify that the Wi-Fi connectivity is fine and that your router is working properly. Next, check the strength of your connection and make sure it has at least 90% signal.

If this isn’t the case, then your problem is likely with your router or your network. It’s also possible that your signal has been disabled altogether or that the distance between the router and your adt doorbell camera is too far.

If you’re a tech-savvy homeowner, you may be able to solve these problems with some straightforward hacks. However, if you don’t have the knowledge or skills to do this yourself, you should contact an electrician for help.

System Settings

Home security is a top priority for most homeowners, and they want to make sure that their hardware is always working properly. This is why it’s crucial to double check the system settings of their devices on a regular basis.

When a piece of hardware begins sending out signals that seem to go sideways, it’s often a sign that something needs to be fixed right away. A blinking red light on an adt doorbell camera is one such indication that a problem may be happening with the device.

It could be that the battery is running low or that the camera will soon die. Either way, it’s essential to recharge the device as soon as possible.

It’s also a good idea to examine the system’s internet connectivity. This can be done via the ADT Pulse app, which will give you a chance to see if there are any issues with the network. Erasing any connection problems should eliminate the blinking red light on your adt doorbell camera.

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