If your wyze camera is blinking red, it’s likely that it’s offline and needs to reconnect. Wyze offers a few solutions for resolving this issue.
Wyze has released a number of affordable cameras that are small and easy to use. They all come with a handy status light that indicates when the device is online or offline.
If you have a wyze camera that keeps blinking red, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the problem. These steps include power cycling, checking network status, and updating the Wyze Cam app.

Power cycling is a quick and easy way to reset the camera. Just unplug the camera from its power source for 15 seconds, then plug it back in and allow it to reinitialize.
Often times, this will fix a connection issue that is causing your wyze camera to keep blinking red.
You may also need to update the camera’s firmware. Firmware flashing can be done manually with a microSD card and a computer.
Another possible reason your wyze camera is still blinking red could be because you have an enterprise Wi-Fi network set up. These networks are designed for business use and require a separate login process in order to access their services.
Firmware Flashing
A Wyze camera is a popular home security device that provides live streaming, two-way communication, and motion sensor alerts. Unfortunately, it can sometimes malfunction and stop working.
In such cases, flashing the firmware can help resolve this issue. This can be done through the Wyze app, but you may also need to download a different firmware and load it onto a microSD card.
The factory reset method works for both versions of the Wyze cameras – Cam v1/v2/v3 and Pan v1/v2. It involves a button on the bottom of each camera that’s labelled “SETUP”.
To perform this step, plug your Wyze cam into power and press and hold the button for 10 seconds for Cam v1 or 20 seconds for Cam v2/v3. After the process begins, it should take about 30 seconds before the LED indicator starts changing to solid red on a Cam v3 or Flashing Yellow on a Pan v2. If the status light is still solid red after the reset, contact us with your order number and shipping address in addition to any troubleshooting steps you’ve tried.
A Wyze camera may not be able to connect to Wi-Fi due to an issue with the power cable or wall plug. You can try reconnecting the camera and see if it helps.
If the problem continues, firmware flashing might help. However, make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions closely.
You can update the camera’s firmware using a computer and the basic app for the device. Once the firmware is updated, insert the camera’s memory card into a card reader and copy the new file to it.
If this doesn’t work, reset the camera. This will remove any settings and update it with the latest version of the software. It can take up to four minutes for the camera to reboot.
Wyze Camera is a smart security system that comes with a lot of features and capabilities. From HD video recording and live streaming to the ability to talk through the camera, it is a great solution for home security.
However, there are times when the camera may start to malfunction without any prior notice. This can happen when there is a bug in the system or an error that needs to be addressed.
In such cases, resetting the camera can help you restore it to its default settings and get rid of the problem quickly. It is not a foolproof fix but it can help you out quite a bit in the long run.
To reset the camera, follow these simple steps. First, unplug the camera from the power source. Wait a few seconds and then plug it back in.